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Hub-Link Protocol v1.031 July 16, 2004 | ||
Hub-Link Commands for the Bot and Support Script | ||
$#TUN - Test User Name | $#TUN
<USERNAME> <USERIP>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when any User except the Bot signs in. |
$#UNT - User Name Test | $#UNT <USERNAME> <HUBPREFIX or "OK">|
Sent by the Bot to the Support Script to indicate that UserName has already been used by another linked hub identified as "HUBPREFIX" in Hub-Link. "OK" indicates that UserName has not been used already. |
$#GNL - Get Nick List | $#GNL <REQUESTINGUSERNAME>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when a $GetNickList is received from a user on the local hub. |
$#NOP - Operator List | $#NOP <USERNAME or $All>
<OP1>$$<OP2>$$<OP3>$$| Sent by the Bot to the Support Script as part of the response to $#GNL or whenever the Bot receives an updated Oplist from one of the connected Hubs. |
$#INF - My Info | $#INF <USERNAME or $All> <USERNAME>
$<CONNECTIONTYPE><CONNECTIONCLASS>$<E-MAIL>$<SHARESIZE>$| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when a user sends a $MyINFO to a local hub. Username is populated when a client is responding to a $GetMyINFO command. |
$#GMI - Get My Info | $#GMI <REQUESTINGUSERNAME>| Sent by the Bot to the support Script when a user has not sent a $MyINFO yet. |
$#CTM - Connect To Me | $#CTM <USERNAME> <REQUSERIP>:<PORT>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when a $ConnectToMe request is received and <USERNAME> is not found on the local hub. Also sent by the Bot back to the Support Script in <USERNAME>'s Hub which then sends a $ConnectToMe to <USERNAME> (exluding NMDC/PTOKAX hubs where the bot sends the $ConnectToMe directly.) |
$#RTM - Reverse Connect To Me | $#RTM
<REQUSERNAME> <USERNAME>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when a $RevConnectToMe request is received and <USERNAME> is not found on the local hub. Also sent by the Bot back to the Support Script in <USERNAME>'s Hub which then sends a $RevConnectToMe to <USERNAME> |
$#SRQ - Search Request | $#SRQ <REQUSERIP>:<PORT> F?F?0?1?search$terms| Sent by the Bot to the Support Script whenever an ACTIVE $Search request is received from a remote hub. |
$#SRP - Search Request (Passive) | $#SRP Hub:DCHL<REQUSER> F?F?0?1?search$terms| Sent by the Bot to the Support Script whenever an PASSIVE $Search request is received from a remote hub. |
$#PSR - Passive Search Result | $#PSR <USER> <RESULT>| Sent by the Support Script when a Passive Search result is received for a user who is not online. Sent by Bot to the Support script on the hub where the user who made the request is connected. |
$#PRM - Private Message | $#PRM <SENDTOUSERNAME>
here.| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when a User sends a PM to a User that is not found on the local hub. Sent by the Bot to the support Script when a User is receiving a PM from a User on a remote hub. SHOWFROMUSER may include the Hub Prefix if one is set in Hub-Link. |
$#KCK - Kick | $#KCK <OPNAME> <USERNAME>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when an Op tries to $Kick a user that is not found on the local hub. |
$#OFM - Operator Forced Move | $#OFM <OPNAME> $Who:<USERNAME>$Where:<REDIRECT
ADDRESS>$Msg:You are being redirected to <REDIRECT ADDRESS>:
<REDIRECT MESSAGE>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when an Op tries to $OpForceMove (redirect) a user that is not found on the local hub. |
$#OCH - Operator Chat | $#OCH <OPNAME> <OPMESSAGE>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when an Op sends something to the MultiHub OpChat. Sent by the Bot to the Support Script when an Op sends something to the MultiHub OpChat. OPNAME may include the Hub Prefix if one is set in Hub-Link. |
$#ACH - Administrator Chat | $#ACH <ADMINNAME> <ADMINMESSAGE>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot when an ADMIN sends something to the MultiHub AdminChat. |
$#RMC - Remote Main Chat | $#RMC <HUBPREFIXANDNAME> <MESSAGE>| Sent by the Bot to the Support script for Main Chat Messages from another Hub. |
$#GHI - Get Hub Info | $#GHI| Sent by the Bot to the Support Script on a Timer. |
$#HIN - Hub Info | $#HIN <HUBUSERCOUNT> <HUBSHAREDBYTES>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot in response to "$#GHI". |
$#VER - Version | $#VER <HUBSOFT> <SCRIPT VERSION>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot to announce the Hub Type and Script Version. |
$#ACN - AdminChat Name | $#ACN <ADMINCHATNAME>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot to announce the UserName associated with an AdminChatRoom. |
$#OCN - OpChat Name | $#OCN <OPCHATNAME>| Sent by the Support Script to the Bot to announce the UserName associated with an OpChatRoom. |
$#ULS - UserList Sync. | $#ULS <Y or N>| Informs the Bot whether this Hub is synchronizing it's userlist with other hubs in the link. Some commands are only sent to Synched Hubs. (Ban, Reg, Changepass) see Op Command section for details. |
$#BOT - Bot | $#BOT <USERNAME>| Sent by the support script in response to a "$#GMI" command from the Bot where the user who's $MyINFO was requested is not online. Used to advise the Bot that a user in the local hub is actually a script/Bot. |
$#CMD - Commands | $#CMD <USERNAME>| $#CMD <USERNAME> <USERLEVEL> <CMDPREFIX>| Sent by the support script to the Bot to advise that it wants to send "RightClick" Menu Commands to <UserName>. Sent by the Bot in response indicating the <UserLevel> and <CmdPrefix> Character. Userlevels 40-NetAdmin, 30-NetOp. 00-All Others. The local script tests for 20-Operator and any other User distinctions. |
$#MCT - Main Chat To | $#MCT <TOUSER> <FROMUSER> <MESSAGE>| Sent by the Bot to request that a message be sent as Main Chat to a specific user in the Hub. |
$#HNF - Hub Info | $#HNF <OPNAME> <DATANAME> <DATAVALUE>| Sent by the Script to provide info about the Hub Settings |
<DATAVALUE>| Sent by the Script to provide info about a specific User |
$#LST - User List | $#LST <USER1>$$<USER2>$$<USER3>…| Sent by the Script when the OPNAME on the request is the Bot. Otherwise the response is sentr via PM to the Op. |